What Are They Saying

Be visible on top booking sites to bring more guests


Bookingan dan pembayaran menjadi lebih fleksibel, sesuai dengan mata uang mereka masing-masing

Bapak I Gusti Ngurah Arianta


We just see this, and thats me. Thank you Hybrid booking such a game changer. We should do more of this after 5 years using booking engine from hybrid

Rocky Fast Cruise

Be Bali Hut Farm Stay

Kemudahan kita alami pada saat tamu melakukan booking, jenis metode pembayaran itu sangat mudah sekali

Bapak I Wayan Juliana


The Hybrid Booking Engine team has been very helpful during the set up process as well as very reactive in handling any problems we encountered. The solution is now running smoothly and we are fully satisfied. It’s saving us substantial time that we can therefore use for expanding our business. Totally worth it and highly recommended!

Owner – LeBaliBlog.com

Villa Berawa

We only starting to use Hybrid Booking from March 2015 and we found that it is very useful for us as it boost our direct booking throught our website. So far there is no big issue with this system an we found it is user friendly as well. All menus are simple but can cover all requirements from property and guests. Looks like simple version of well known booking engine but worth it to use as price to set it up in our website also fair enough. Technical support team is very helpful with any last minute request or issue and solve it promptly. Totally recommended to use !!!

Widya Handayani – Sales & Marketing Manager

D'Penjor Seminyak

Kesan kami selama menggunakan hybrid Booking adalah cara pengoprasian yang mudah dan dibantu oleh team hybrid yang ramah, memberikan respon yang cepat dan mudah dimengerti. Kami dapat mengganti harga dan membuat promosi dengan mudah. Terimakasih Hybrid Booking untuk kerjasamanya.

Yanti – Management Team

Gili Gili Fastboat

Setelah kami memakai hybridbooking banyak peningkatan untuk penjualan online kami.. untuk kendala tidak ada kendala sistem hybridbooking sangat bagus.. saya harap hybridboking terus mengembangkan sistemnya. Terimakasih atas kerjasama dari Hybridboking Kami percaya bahwa Hybridbooking akan menjadi sistem reservasi masa depan..

Rahadiansunu – Business Development Director

Lembongan Water Sport

Selama saya pakai Hybrid booking , saya merasa sangat puas karena semuanya serba praktis, pelanggan sangat mudah sekali untuk booking activities yang mereka mau dan begitu juga dengan sistem pembayarannya.

I Nyoman Riana

Mahogany Hotel

Sudah hampir satu tahun ini, Mahogany Hotel bekerja sama dengan Hybridbooking sebagai penyedia jasa layanan booking engine untuk website kami. Selama menggunakan hybridbooking kami selaku user sangat dimudahkan karena tampilannya yang userfriendly dan pada saat load halamannyaya pun tidak terlalu lama. Apabila dilihat dari sisi tampilan sang tamu, hybridbooking bisa disetup mengikuti ciri khas dari design website hotel kami dan sudah mendukung tampilan mobile. Team support juga sangat tanggap dan cepat dalam membantu apabila ada kesulitan maupun masalah-masalah yang terjadi. Bisa dikatakan, bahwa hybridbooking sangat membantu kami dalam berjualan kamar di website. Keep a good work guys!

I Made Sarastiawan Gunantara – IT Supervisor Mahogany Hotel

Adventure & Spirit

HYBRID Reservation System has been helping us as follows: A very interactive and user friendly online booking system A credit card system payment and fast payment settlement to our company’s bank account Dedicated Calendar system availability is totally customizable An Unique dynamic customizable form that suits to our activities packages And so many other features The result of using Hybrid Reservation System is our direct booking via website up 20% compare to before I use it. And also there is a review feature form for customer, this review feature is very good and useful for us and show us that we are really professional in our business. Last but not least, Hybrid Reservation System saved our expenses instead of hiring additional 2 staffs.

Michael Denissot – CEO of PT Adventure and Spirit

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